The Army is a political entity with the Infantry currently in full control. They have ruined our beautiful Armor formations. Why??
Now the defense industry can turn around and sell Strykers and other trucks with guns. Putting a 105mm on a truck will not accomplish the same mission. Now they can sell these and we still have our Jedi tanks which they can spend tons more money updating them when they are needed again. Time after time we hear the MBT is obsolete. Tell that to the Grunts that had tank support vs the ones that won't.
Lima, also is a strategic Tank Plant, the only one. The are not making new ones just rebuilding the worn outs. Rebuild tanks are as good as new. Where we going to find competent machinists if they are laid off?
The Russians and Chinese are updating their tanks as we are mothballing ours.
Yes, I am a tanker and son of a tanker.
Best tank and by far best tank crews in the world and we are walking away from them.
A pity. We will end up spending more money on crap that won't do the job.