Some good, some very good, some bad, some very bad. I am a service-connected disabled vet due to a military surgeon who was not too good. I use Asheville VA which is supposed to be one of the best.
Best of socialized medicine. on prevention but on some care. Other people with similar medical issues at the Medical Center got things easily that I had to fight for because they got to see other providers that did so much more for them.
My VA Primary Care doctor gives me short refusal to requests with no explanation. His nurses are a gem but he is too busy he says. My outside (on Medicare) doctor is 100 times better and she really wants to help me.
Can't even get some of the medication my outside doctor requested from VA in spite of the fact that the VA authorizes it. They don't want to spend the money in spite of the fact that what they give me is what the manufacturer said is "off label use" and "we are reporting it to the FDA".
Urologist is absolutely wonderful as is Audiology and eye care. People are nice, friendly and helpful but Patient Advocate was worthless when I needed help the most. Physical Therapy, Orthopedic Supplies people are great. The nurses are truly outstanding. Apnea people are also fabulous.
Nice that medications are so inexpensive but VA gets cheap on the stupidest things - they want me to split pills that cost $4/month at Walmart but can't be split with a splitter because of shape or by hand because at my age, that has become difficult. I had to fight with them over that and got some changed.
Getting outside community care referral from VA is harder than pulling teeth.
Because of the distance, the only reason I go to the VA any more are the Urologist, the cost of medication, Apnea supplies, hearing aids and glasses. All other care is outside as with Medicare and Medigap, I don't need the VA for much. But I have to see my doctor annually or lose my eligibility even though it is mostly a waste of time.