"Its easier to get a gun..."
[...find a large body of water, disassemble the firearm, and toss in pieces here and there.]
~ Simple answers while kind of obvious, equal neither a snappy soundbite nor a good photo op.
~ Don't forget that initiatives taken by
We the People don't matter much since we can't be trusted. The government has to be the actor that save us by grabbing and destroying the guns. Otherwise how will we know those guns are truly gone?
"...moved to Philadelphia...thought they needed an assault rifle...bought one and had it delivered to their house. It was literally dropped off on the porch, and they had no idea it was coming."
[I have difficulty believing this one, because this was not lawful on more than one level.]
~ Philly...not the lowest for crime and I spent most of my life there.
~ "assault rifle" Well, most of the we hate guns crowd can't/won't use correct terminology.
~ "...had it delivered to their house." I suppose there's a number of mob members and gang related individuals who'd be glad do such a
"The United States already has more guns than people..."
[ Lock up violent assailants and murderers, for life, and see if that helps the murder rate.]
~ We do have more guns than people but not every individual owns a gun. Last I looked for numbers, we were closing in on around 700,000,000 guns held by private individuals worldwide and a bit more than half were here in the US. No, we don't have half of the world's murders. We should absolutely lock the violent offenders in prison for life. The problem is two-fold. First, it's easier to catch the soft criminals, the ones who use and sell drugs, those with stolen property, the folks embezzled... Murders, the ones who plan ahead, don't engage in a blaze of glory killing in a mall or school, I'm referring to smart ones that make an actual effort not to be caught. They use stolen cars in their drive-by shootings. They don't leave prints or DNA. They don't hire out. They do their own work.
~ Warehousing the non-violent is a money making business in many places.
We the People can't be trusted to get rid of a gun and the government needs to be involved, how can we be trusted to turn them in or sell them in some futile gift cards for guns showboat activity?