The Upcoming NRA Convention firearms policy. [View all]
Trump and Pence are scheduled to speak next month at the annual NRA Conference to be held at the Indiana Convention Center.
Shocker here: NO FIREARMS ALLOWED while the GOP God and Demi-God address the crowd regarding what I assume will be content near and dear to the attendees.
Not that I figured they would be allowed (I didnt), but honestly, when all the NRA does is spout off about how its not guns that kill people, its people who kill people, at some point you have to trust your base, right? You cant have it both ways. You cant say your base is comprised of Trump loving patriots who understand gun safety and want to carry in public to protect themselves and others from evil-doers, yet ban the very thing you are advocating for around your most sacred spokesperson and his boy wonder. It just goes to show you- they are smart. They dont trust their base any more than we do. Plain and simple, and oh so hypocritical.