What gun control laws do you think it likely will be passed in the nest two years? [View all]
To begin with , there gun control and there's Gun Control. The NRA will oppose all of these out of principal but will breath a sigh of relief if only the first one or two pass.
Red flag laws: Virtually certain.
Universal background checks: Also almost certain.
The next ones are (IMHO) increasingly unlikely, due to the razor-thin majority in the Senate and the quite thin majority in the House:
A ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines which allows previously owned items to continue to be transferred and sold: Possible.
Requiring a national gun license to own firearms: Unlikely
A ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines which forbids ever selling or transferring them, and confiscating them upon the owner's death: Very unlikely.
A ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines which forbids ever selling or transferring them, requiring all such guns and magazines to either be registered under the National Firearms Act at $200 per weapon and $200 per magazine, and confiscating those which the owner does not wish to pay such a cost to register (Biden's plan): Very, very unlikely.
Speaking personally, if the first two pass I'll shrug. I'd find a licensing requirement annoying, but I'd live with it. The stricter the weapons and magazine ban, the more I'd hate it. The strictest version would have me pay something in the ballpark of $20,000 to be allowed to keep my property, largely because I have a ton of magazines. If I only kept three magazines for each of my "assault weapons", it would still cost me around $10,000.