Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Just wonering why no comments yet? [View all]Decoy of Fenris
(1,954 posts)Also, the TOS or SOP of GD... I think... says "No guns in GD." Unless it's a -major- story, Sandy Hook-level, gun threads in GD will almost always sink like stones or get blocked by forum hosts.
There's a vocal, but exceptionally small, faction of posters on DU who are almost violently anti-gun. They may kick a gun thread every now and then, but the vast majority of D.U. posters really just don't seem care. I like to think they understand the repercussions of amending the Constitution or altering an Amendment and what precedent that would set, but you never know.
I remember back during the Sandy Hook fallout, when thread after thread of GD was devoted to coverage, people just stopped posting about it. You could find intelligent conversation in about a quarter of the threads if you were lucky, and even then you had to go looking for it. Otherwise, it was the same posters saying the same thing nonstop, with no progress ever being made. Quite a few from both sides of the aisle ended up permabanned during heated arguments, so that could also be an issue; Get into it too deep and you might get waxed.
Either way, those may be some answers.
(No idea about sports. Can't help ya there.)