jimmy previous: There's a distinction between violent ex-felons & non violent ex-felons.
beevul: Not in federal law, that I'm aware of.
Find below the prisons which would hold violent criminals vs those convicted only of perjury. Then burg3 (burglary 3rd degree) and generally property crimes.
Most United States Penitentiaries (USPs) are high-security facilities, which have highly secured perimeters with walls or reinforced fences, multiple and single-occupant cell housing, the highest staff-to-inmate ratio, and close control of inmate movement. The most notable facility in the federal prison system is Florence ADX, the federal supermax prison in Florence, Colorado, which holds inmates who are considered the most dangerous and in need of the tightest controls.
USP Atlanta, USP Leavenworth, USP Lompoc, and USP Marion are medium-security facilities. USP Hazelton is in the process of adding a medium-security facility to its existing high-security unit. USP Marion contains a highly restrictive Communication Management Unit, which holds inmates under stricter controls.
Many USPs include minimum-security satellite camps on the same property and under the same administration as the higher-security unit(s). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._federal_prisons
beevul: I've never seen an anti-gunner make that claim before. You would be the first anti-gunner I have seen who would make that claim. Ever.
So? I'm sure there's a solid proportion of gun control advocates who feel about the same way I do. It's not granting exfelons any individual rkba, just that they could own a gun if they wanted, if they were reformed citizens with civil rights restored.
beevul's premise: Just imagine the absolute fun you'd be having with this, if those former inmates had said the same thing about a constitutionally protected right - gun rights. .. They'd go from being the poor disenfranchised former felons, to the "ammosexuals" whos decisions and judgment can't be trusted, all with a switch of the topic.