Just Say No to Gun Shop [View all]
A proposal to put a gun shop downtown in the building that used to house the Pinnacle newspaper has gotten mixed reviews from the community.
Some say we need all the merchants we can get downtown. Anything is better than the vacant and boarded up buildings we have now.
Others worry about the image it would make in a downtown that is striving to match those of Morgan Hill or Los Gatos, as a place to bring families, with a mix of retail, restaurants and entertainment that would entice out-of-towners to what should be one of the most quaint and authentic downtowns in the Bay Area.
Its funny that we get tourists from Los Angeles who think of Gilroy as a must-see. Garbos, the successful antique store, started out advertising down south and got a huge response from travelers looking to venture into a town that still has a historical, agrarian feel. They liked what they found here, even as they thumbed their noses at some of their own small towns.