dscntnt: About 55% of all homicides are by firearm and, if we extend that to all other violent crime, less than 1 gun out of 470 is actually used in a crime.
That's merely over the course of one year; over a handgun's lifetime (approx. 40 - 50 years) the odds of a handgun being used in a crime is about 10%, or using your figures about 50 handguns in 470 will be used in a crime. Much higher percentage (20%?) of any handgun being used illegally, and much much higher (35%?) in an illicit manner.
dscntnt: If more guns are being sold everyday and guns lead to crime, why is the violent crime rate dropping?
Above is an example of a weird phenomenon I've observed over the years; some kind of syndrome best described imo as 'Gun enthusiasm induced selective amnesia'. Where a particular errant or misleading fact or factoid, or fallacy, or outright lie, is presented in a forum, gets debunked, the gun enthusiast hides, but then, mysteriously, comes back after a hiatus of maybe 6 months to a year, and presents the very same fallacious argument!!!!
I know you've seen my rebuttal of your argument dscntnt, since you have posted on the very same thread where I've rebutted this, almost a year back, probably some more recent: http://www.democraticunderground.com/1172167463
But, once again for ole time's sake. National gunstock has indeed increased since the early 90's, from approx. 225 million firearms to approx. 300 millions today, an increase of ~33%. But a solid proportion of that increase went to existing gun owners, since the gun ownership RATEs have fallen, both personal & home ownership. As well, the avg number of guns owned has risen, within gun owner ranks.
Since both gun ownership rates have fallen dramatically (~30%) since the early 90's, dscntnt misleads that the increase in national gunstock had to do with the decrease in violent crime rates the same time period.
No, dscntnt, the decrease in violent crime rate correlates with a decrease in gun ownership rates, something conspicuously missing from dscntnt's biased view thru his rose colored glasses (with cross hairs).
Jimmy the One's rebuttal post from oct 2015: 1) Gallup: .. even Gallup's numbers show a decline in gun ownership since the early 1990s, from 54% of households in late 1993 to 43% as of this fall. http://www.gallup.com/poll/186236/americans-desire-stricter-gun-laws-sharply.aspx
2): General Social Survey (GSS) .. data show a substantial decline in the shares of both households and individuals with guns... 1973, 49% reported having a gun or revolver in their home or garage. In 2012, 34% said they had a gun in their home or garage.
.. personal gun ownership in 1980, 29% said a gun in their home personally belonged to them. This stands at 22% in the 2012 GSS survey. http://www.people-press.org/2013/03/12/section-3-gun-ownership-trends-and-demographics/
3) ... The Pew Research Center has tracked gun ownership since 1993, and our surveys largely confirm the General Social Survey trend. In our Dec 1993 survey, 45% reported having a gun in their household; in early 1994, the GSS found 44% saying they had a gun in their home. A Jan 2013 Pew Research Center survey found 33% saying they had a gun, rifle or pistol in their home, as did 34% in the 2012 wave of {GSS}.