Maryland is a unique state when it comes to gun control. The politicians figured out twenty years ago they could usually pass "make believe" laws, written in such a way to have no significant effect on gun ownership while also fooling gun controllers into believing that they had passed gun control laws. It's very odd, but most gun owners don't usually say too much about the peculiar arrangement for obvious reasons. It just shows you that some politicians have very little respect for gun rights while also having no respect for the true believers in gun control who support them. It's pathetic. They just want the votes.
Are ARs and high capacity mags banned in Maryland? Nope.
Here's a story about a writer trying out an AR-15 in Maryland from a few months back.
Case in point, Chris Van Hollen has recently been pushing this "terror watch list" bill in the state of Maryland. The website synopsis of the bill reads that it bans people on the TWL from ***buying*** guns. But the actual bill text says that it disqualifies people who are on the list from being granted CCWs. Of course, Maryland doesn't even grant commoners deep in the footnotes it states that state officials don't even have access to the list.
Also, the "trigger lock" requirement is just plain wrong. Most dealers make you show them that you own a "tampon lock" ...which is a bore obstruction device. Some shady dealers will make you buy one of theirs for $25.00. This only applies to handguns, and no I don't know anyone who has actually stuffed one of these locks down a gun barrel. It's just another pretend law.