The most common use of a gun other than hunting or target practice is suicide. So there's that. Maybe soon the nutters will just start offing themselves and each other once open carry extends to churches and nursery schools and the like.
And homicide? Classy. Oh so classy.
My daily mockery of pathetic overcompensating white male middle-aged raging DU gun nuts herewith commences. As soon as they wake up and finish putting in the dentures.
I still have most of my own teeth, thank you very much, but your mockery of the infirmities of age is duly noted.
They only hang out here as trolls. They think that it's their mission to shout down and intimidate liberals. Not one of them is an honest democrat or liberal. They obviously don't support either dem presidential candidate because gun control is in the platform.
Beg your pardon? I believe in ALL rights: the right of women to have control over their bodies, the right of people to marry whomever they choose, the right of workers to unionize and advocate for their own best interests, the right of all constituencies to vote, the right to keep and bear arms, etc. I support the Democratic presidential candidate with the best track record in all those areas. I'll let you figure out who that is.
Also it makes them go nuts with impotent rage when they can't intimidate someone by shouting out their usual NRA rhetorical talking point bullshit.
It would seem that only the only one raging here is you.
And when that someone knows and has experience with guns and violence.
There you go again. Here's a hint: vague appeals to authority carry no more weight than explicit ones. Less, actually.