New Study Shows The Bigger The Gun, The Bigger The Person, The Smaller The Penis [View all]
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by krispos42 (a host of the Gun Control & RKBA group).
Manchester, NH A new study released today by the American Research Group shows that the larger an individual is along with also having a bigger gun directly relates to the size of that persons penis size.
Paul Horner who headed up the 5-year study for the group explained to reporters how they came to the conclusion of their findings. We took a group of over 500 male gun owners in various cities all around the country. Half of the men weighed under 200 lbs while the other half weighed over 200 lbs. We noticed immediately that the guns owned by the men weighing under 200 lbs were your normal size guns, your Glock pistols and such. The men weighing over 200, 300 and especialy 400 lbs all owned semi-automatic rifles and large weapons such as AK47s. One individual weighing 769 lbs owned a Howitzer and scientists were unable to locate the mans penis, Horner said. We measured the mens penis sizes. It was an amazing find I must say. All the men with the large stomachs and big guns all had very small penises, whereas the normal size men with the normal size guns all had very average size penises.
47-year-old Billy Jo Ray from DeQuincy, Louisiana who owns an AK47 and weighs 425 lbs said he does not agree with the study. I dont give a go*damn what these fact checkin, fancy scientists think. My one-half inch johnson satisfies all the ladies in town. Ive never heard any complaints from my cousins once.