"right to sue" - Everyone has a right to attempt to recover losses due to the actions of another where actions by the other are criminal or negligent. First, the manufacturers of the weapons used at Sandy Hook were neither and, second, the PLCAA protects them from SLAPP suits as they are breaking no laws in the conduct of their business. Idiots in the media who want to use the plight of survivors, their families and the families of the victims to profit through ratings and sales are scum. Lawyers who do anything but warn away those contemplating such lawsuits are worse.
"Cedric Larry Ford gunned down...injured...with an automatic rifle in Kansas Thursday" - not in the sense that normal thinking people use the term "automatic". Lawyers and doctors have traditionally studied Latin. Not so much to read legal or scientific texts in their original language but in recent times partially to gain an appreciation for the precision of thought able to be conveyed by language with very particular vocabulary. The rifle used was SEMI-AUTOMATIC made to LOOK LIKE an AK-47. Is a knife that stabs once per flex of an arm an "automatic" knife?
"weapons of war" - No military AFAIK has ever equipped its warriors with semi-auto AK-style arms.
"assault rifles" - From wiki: "An assault rifle is a fully automatic selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine."
Lies upon lies. IDK maybe just a big pile of bullshit flung by an unmanaged and low skill author.
I notice that CT has no anti-SLAPP laws. How convenient.
Were I a director or executive at Remington, I would have corporate counsel investigate case law and any relevant criminal laws on malicious prosecution. I would further suggest dedicating any monies so recovered and urge my fellow executives and directors to start or further contribute to a political action committee whose aim is to pass criminal barratry laws in every state where the company has nexus.