Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Gun Ownership in MA Increases 66% since 2010 [View all]jimmy the one
(2,720 posts)donP: Zogby QUESTION: If a national pollster asked you if you owned a firearm, would you determine to tell him or her the truth or would you feel it was none of their business?
..36% of all Americans feel it is none of the pollsters business..
Zogby did a push poll. As they did with hillary in the very same survey: QUESTION: "If Hillary Clinton is elected president, she will be 70 years old within her first year of office. Do you Agree or Disagree the Democrats should consider a younger candidate for President?"
They are pushing that she will be 'too old' for being president, the subtle suggestion.
As zogby did with keystone: Do you agree or disagree that the Keystone Pipeline should be approved by the US Congress so that we can continue to put pressure economically and militarily on countries such as Russia, Iran and Venezuela?"
Regarding the firearms poll donP cites, the concern which arises for those of us more statistically minded than he is, is why do actual polls not reflect the zogby results above? If 36% of all Americans feel it is none of the pollsters business, this would be reflected in the survey's results as a 'did not reply' or 'unsure' or especially 'refused'. Yet it doesn't, thus demonstrating the zogby firearms poll as a sham:
ABC: Do you or does anyone in your house own a gun, or not?" Yes No
/2013 ..43 55 = 98%
/13 .....42 57
/13 .....44 56
/11 .....44 55
/09 .....41 58
Observe how the above poll results add up to upper 90 percentile, which refutes zogby's push poll. The push poll leads inordinately higher 'none of your business' results, which skews the zogby poll.
donP: If 35% of gun owners believe that gun ownership is something that is "no business of national pollsters", it suggests that only 65% of gun owners would admit to gun ownership on national polls.
No, it only suggests that if the poll is worded with 'none of your business' as a reply, rather than simply yes or no, then the poll will skew. And you obviously didn't read the zogby link, which stated that 55% (not your 65%) responded 'tell the truth', while 36% responded noyb, & 9% were unsure.
donP: The true number of gun owners would be, using the lowest numbers from the GSS, 32% of households multiplied by 1/.65 or 1.54 X 32%, which comes to 49%. 49% happens to be about the number of households that reported gun ownership in the late 1970s." Of course that doesn't account for the population increase, just the percentage of adults
Since you obviously didn't read the zogby link, which stated that 55% (not your 65%) responded 'tell the truth', while 36% responded noyb, & 9% were unsure. So your results above, invalidly skewed as they are to begin with, would actually be increased by the 55% figure vs. 36%, and the percentage of guns per household would be higher skewing it above the 1970 results.
And population increase over the 50 years has nowt to do with gun ownership rate.