O'Malley didn't ban assault weapons in Maryland. [View all]
I often see a lot of praise for Martin O’Malley’s gun control legislation in Maryland, specifically his ban on so called “assault weapons”. The truth of the matter is that Maryland does not have an “assault weapons” ban. What Martin O’Malley passed instead was a hodgepodge of prohibitionist ideas about “assault weapons”. My intention isn’t to speak negatively about Martin O’Malley; rather I just want to make it clear that he did not pass such a ban in Maryland.
O'Malley's former Maryland State Police Licensing Division Commander speaks out below. He was Maryland's subject matter expert on firearms who himself didn't agree with the potential effectiveness of the legislation. One of O'Malley's assistants prohibited him from speaking freely on the legislation while it was being drafted, and he resigned soon after in protest.
In 2013, I retired as the Commander of the Maryland State Police Licensing Division. Before that, I ran the Maryland State Police Firearms Enforcement Section and the Gang Enforcement Unit. I was also a homicide investigator, drug investigator and criminal investigator for most of my career. I understand crime and I understand violence. I strongly support efforts to reduce violence in the state of Maryland.
The Firearms Safety Act does not ban the sale of an AR-15 with a heavy barrel. In fact, it is not a "regulated" firearm in Maryland. The AR-10 is not banned in Maryland and can be purchased and carried out of the store on the same day. The difference between an AR-10 and an AR-15? The AR-10 is a larger caliber firearm. The truth is, Maryland does not really have an assault weapons ban as they claim. In fact, there are countless other sporting rifles that fit the description of the type of firearm they have sought to ban that are perfectly legal to purchase in Maryland. The office of the governor is lying to the public when they claim they have given them an "assault weapons ban."
The O'Malley administration also claims they have passed a bill that limits the size of a magazine. Is this true? No! While you may not buy or transfer a magazine that contains more than 10 rounds in Maryland, you may continue to possess a 15 round magazine. You can also legally purchase a 15 round magazine in another state and bring it into Maryland.
The Firearms Safety Act of 2013 is a very poor attempt, a quick fix, at reducing gun violence in Maryland.
I am happy to discuss technical specifics of the AWB implementation in Maryland.