Stringent gun regulations only way to stanch flow of blood [View all]
San Francisco’s last gun shop, the High Bridge Arms, is scheduled to close later this month as a result of strict gun regulations in the city. According to The Guardian, gun dealers in San Francisco are required “to carry liability insurance, report inventory details and keep records of ammunition sales.” These regulations are in addition to the already strict state laws.
The Board of Supervisors passed a new city ordinance Tuesday, mandating the video recording of all gun and ammunition sales in San Francisco. It will also require gun dealers to keep specific records of ammunition sales and gun transfers, among other information, according to the ordinance’s text. Lastly, the recordings would be made available to law enforcement agencies.
San Francisco is taking the necessary preventative action by enforcing stricter gun control. These regulations are crucial barriers to ensure that San Francisco doesn’t succumb to the national threat of mass violence or become another pin in the latest map of our nation’s mass shootings.
A graph created by Slate clearly shows the emphatic correlation between gun control laws and lower rates of gun death. California’s laws were ranked the strongest in the U.S. Other states should take note.