Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Interesting GD thread worth scanning for gun related commentary [View all]jimmy the one
(2,720 posts)sarisak: None of the statements I made were during the designated general election season.
Now you are restricting bad mouthing to DU tos rules? suddenly it becomes a DU issue rather than a general issue? so that outside of DU it's OK for you to badmouth DiFi during an election year?
I did not bad mouth begich or pryor during the 2014 election season. (I believe) I wanted them to win, so as to keep the senate.
So what is your point? you have none, by your own standards.
I wrote: Who cares? who speaks in absolutes? mainly foot stickers. This is a disgusting red herring.
sarisak wrote: That you choke on the words to support a Democrat who differs from you on your pet issue speaks volumes. It makes my follow up statement true. Gun control supporters are single issue voters. They are willing to sacrifice the party platform in an act of spite.
I didn't choke on anything, except generally after reading your twisted renditions of things. And you think gun owners all think along your lines? see my post to icon where there might be a half million dem gun owners in calif who didn't support Diane Feinstein in 2012, either financially or by voting someone else or abstaining. Are those gun owners all despicable hypocrites to you?
I would support a dem over a repub over 99.5% of the time, and the other 0.5% would likely be an abstention from voting. Yes mr specious, there are indeed times I could not vote for a democrat who has drastic differences from what I believe in. I call it conviction. It also would depend on how important or how close the election was.
Was it you who cited ben franklin?: He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security.