Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Interesting GD thread worth scanning for gun related commentary [View all]jimmy the one
(2,720 posts)sarisaka: I haven't seen you, or any other strict gun control proponent say "Yes, I'd rather have a pro-gun Democrat in Congress rather than give up the seat to a Republican. I have seen people say "So what, we don't need those kind of Democrats"
Gun control supporters are single issue voters. They are willing to sacrifice the party platform in an act of spite. Ironically they are making their goal ever more difficult to achieve with their short-sightedness.
Mr sanctimonious has no problem with bashing gun control advocate Diane Feinstein, however. Including when she was up for reelection:
sari: Three tip offs that DiFi was grandstanding and really didn't care if her bill passed:
1- her lips were moving (obligatory cheap shot)
jun 2012 sarisaka: And there lies the problem Whenever it is asked of pro-control people, what are 'common sense laws' you get one of three replies.... More extreme pro-gun laws are passed without comment because moderates want as much negotiating power as possible for the day the pendulum swings and people like Lautenberg and Feinstein are able to push their agendas...
sari: Ugly- DiFI's attention grabbing lather, rinse, repeat will take the wind out of the sails and choke down discussion on measures which could actually improve this situation and be backed by the majority both sides of the issue
apr 2012 stbd tack asked: show me a quote from Bloomberg where he says anything remotely like you should be arrested for mere ownership and that anyone wanting to own a gun is insane
sarisaka replied:..... Bloomberg did not make those specific statements; it was the others I referred to. I apologize for not being more clear.
And who was in sarisaka's list of 'anyone wanting to own a gun is insane? "Banning guns {certain ones} addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe." --U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein 11/18/93
sarisaka: Also I vote for pro-GC Dems so I will proudly stand as apoor representative for the pro gun side
Specious mr sanctimonious. You cannot vote in 49 states, only your own.
So you have no problems BASHING gun control democrats running in other states in election years, eh?