Demanding that the IRS go against political enemies (such as what tRUMP and his IRS Commissioner [View all]
did w/ McCabe and Comey by performing very intensive audits against their returns, etc.) sounds like something that tRUMP would do, anyone in their right minds would believe that tRUMP would do something like this against two of 'his enemies', no questions asked.
As for someone still maintaining tRUMP's innocence, let me remind people that the IRS would not perform such intensive audits on lower income persons, the waste of tax dollars against the so-called benefits gained from such an audit would kind of defeat the purposes of the audits.
Although I don't know the specific 'triggers' that the IRS uses in determining who gets an audit or not, the trigger points have long been a debate among tax accountants and auditors (although there are some obvious answers, but there are like 10 different items that are considered as to who gets an extensive audit or not).
Another biggie that I wanted to mention here is that we shouldn't stop at looking at just the IRS for tRUMP's revenge-filled orgies. I strongly suspect that the entire width and scope of federal programs and / federal agencies were leaned on by tRUMP and his coharts to insert pressure on those that angered tRUMP and / or his enablers. It only is logical. Did your state lose tax dollars for various (and illogical) reasons? Did residents of your state suffer any adverse efforts from mismanaged federal programs? I do seem to recall where the red states did seem to gain the upper hand on some issues when tRUMP was first in office, and blue states suffered (this is when news articles came out by the dozens touting the vast gulf in blue states' tax dollars paid and tax dollars received (vs. red states)).
One other thing I recall (from a friend of mine selling some wetlands acreage in southern MO), is that he did have some issues, but setting aside other comparable acreage was acceptable. However, the agency dealing w/ such issues could be, on the other hand, be totally against others for some unfathomable reason. Thus, the sale of this particular property would suffer.