How to Upgrade your Speech by Not Saying "Like" [View all]
How to Upgrade your Speech by Not Saying Like
Language and speech are a beautiful thing. And while there are countless books available on the correct way to use words and sentences, ultimately the only right way is the way you wish. Each culture and sub-culture contains as many variations on the local language as it does individuals. Efforts to regulate the way people talk are often bound up in politics and social currents that have little to do with the best interests of those who are expected to change the way they speak.
However! We do not each live in a bubble. While the fingerprint of your speech is precious, there may be habits youve picked up which while not being wrong are less special than others. And these habits can be misconstrued by the people to whom you speak, who will interpret the nuances of your speech to mean stuff that you quite possibly dont intend to convey.
Take, for example, the filler. Filler words and sounds include things such as beginning a sentence with so, or using the word like all over the place to replace terms of approximation (about, around), said words (I was like, no way!), or just when youre struggling to find the correct word at all.
Sometimes we use these words because we feel rushed, or lack the confidence to use a more complex, precise alternative, or wish to convey that were speaking in a down to Earth way. Experts say that the use of these words can actually be a sign of intelligence or thoughtfulness. The word like modulates your sentence; it implies that what youre saying is nuanced and that you wish to express your meaning clearly.
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