Foster cat news [View all]
It is with great sadness and regret that I think I am going to have to return my foster cat Sarai. She is not making any progress whatsoever. We had a setback two weeks ago when the man came to clean the furnace and since then she seems to have regressed and no amount of coaxing or cajoling will encourage her to come out of her shell, be more friendly or playful, or be more approachable. I've tried squeezeable treats, sitting on the floor with her, talking quietly to her, the whole works, but she just comes around for a minute or two and then runs away and hides again. I don't know if she needs another kind of foster environment, or if she just needs to be a barn cat (she was in the barn cat program originally and then was thought to be possibly adoptable). She might be a friendly barn cat like my two.
OTOH, there is a guy in the stray room that I have my eye on as a possible foster. He is 14 years old and very overweight. He is black and white spotted and his name is Paco. I don't know why he was turned in but he is a very sweet boy and I would be happy to foster him, whatever his needs are; one of them is most certainly more space and a decent diet! If he is diabetic or has thyroid issues (he was supposed to see the vet today) I can medicate him, no problem. His coat is in terrible shape, very dry, but I attribute that to poor diet previously; I brushed him today and he absolutely loved it. purred the whole time. If not him, there is a gray boy called Mosby who is shy but sweet. However, I think Paco needs me more.