previously, I've not had major problems.
I have 3 boys. 16, 14 (15 at the end of summer), and 8. I'm an at-home mom.
My oldest did puberty and it was hard, he was super emotional and I didn't know what to do, but we made it through with only a few bumps in the road.
Second son is driving me crazy. I don't know what to do with him.
While son number 1 was very emotional, number 2 is withdrawing from everyone in the family, refuses to interact with me, and is outright nasty to his brothers all the time. He won't do chores, just won't do anything and this is the first time I've had this problem with him....ever.
He's always been the one who would hang out with me and it is hard to have him so changed.
So, those who have had teenagers...this will get better, right? I try so hard not to be angry at his attitude and accept that this is likely temporary.
I can't reach out to relatives becasue they all say their kids never had a single issue in puberty or ever. They were always perfect and fully 100% happy 24/7 because of their stellar parenting. Maybe that's true, but that is not my experience.
Husband and I are doing the best we can, but I'm so frustrated. This is the first time he's ever really acted out in any major ongoing way. Oh, he's also inherited a tendency to anxiety, so I'm sure that isn't helping the situation.
Any reassurance or advice you can give is welcome. Sorry to whine.