also my mother-in-law used to give me her sprouted potato's. So I have a mixture of varieties, main one is just regular white potato and other main one I have has a very slightly yellow meat. Don't really know what they came from originally. I have multipal rows spread around the garden, if I had to guess I would say maybe this last year had two rows about 20-25 foot long side by side and then 5 rows in another area that were about 12-15 foot long, so anywhere from 100 foot to about 125 foot. Plus if an area opens up and I have more old potato's laying around I tend to plug them in the ground. We do get a lot of potato's out of the garden, but I have one child at home and four off on their own to supply. They never seem to turn down the veggies, especially once they are grown, dug and washed! This last year I grew the biggest potato's ever in all my years of gardening! I sort of missed the teeny tiny ones I always pick and just wash and put in veggie soup as is. There were hardly any small ones at all.