Gah! Wormy radishes! [View all]
Well, I had to find out the hard way about wormy radishes. At least we had a harvest of some of them before they were taken over. They bolted too because we've been having really warm weather for an extended period of time (unusual for us). So from what I've read, it looks like next year I will have to rotate the raised beds and be sure to place some netting over the radishes so the flies can't lay their eggs. I've never had this happen before (I've grown radishes in the past with no problems) and I'm not happy.
I've also read that planting radishes in the fall is better. I may try that. We planted late this year and my daughter wanted to try growing them so we planted some. It may have been too warm for them all along. We cleaned all the radishes out of the garden last night. I don't think I'll replant. I'll see if I can find something else to put there...any ideas? We usually get our first frost in September.
My curly watercress bolted too. As did all my cilantro. So far the lettuce is okay (and the romaine looks beautiful!) Everything else is doing really good. I even have some little zucchinis growing...crossing my fingers that they turn out (I've had them shrink on me when they get to a certain size and I read that's due to lack of pollination). I also have some adorable purple hot least the peppers and tomatoes are loving the warmth.