but on the east coast. My apple trees and other fruit trees had no blossoms this year, so no apples for me. Raspberries, black raspberries and blueberries are all doing fine. I transplanted a bunch of blackberries last fall and didn't think they made it but abuot three weeks ago I saw new canes coming up from the roots I planted last year -- very gratifying. These ones did better than ones I transplanted in the spring. I may have lost two fruit trees, but am waiting to see. We had a long winter here again, like last year, but last year the everything was fine, plenty of apples. We had a late snow in March which may have killed most fruit tree blossoms. I heard on a radio program recently that people lost things that they had had in their gardens for 20-30+ years.
This year I'm fertilizing on schedule trying to make the roots as strong as I can. This year I'm giving mycorrhizae to just about everything to help the roots too.
If you're interested, I can give you the name of the place I ordered it from. It was cheaper on shipping to go through them directly rather than from Amazon.