you should try HorizonHerbs Double Red it is open pollinated so you can save seed. I love to grill sweet corn but the double red is also great to dry and use for corn bread if it gets away from you. I have been successfully saving DR seed for a years now. Of course you do have to follow some basic rules about cross pollination if you want to save OP seed... isolating for example... I grow at least 8 different varieties of corn tho and have saved seeds just fine...
Hoof Rats... that says it all... (and I am stealing that terminology) I have had to fence them out completely or I would not get anything!
a worthwhile technique that Horizon mentions... planting clover or vetch under the corn... I plant rows of hairy vetch down each side of the corn right after last cultivation (knee high). The hairy vetch grows up under the corn, smothers weed and provides a green manure with extra nitrogen. It winter kills before flowering (well has been warmer lately) and provides organic matter when you turn it in.