The people across the street have a lawn that looks like a golf course, and trees and beds that look like the entry to a country club.
Also adding to my stress is the fact that several neighbors have mentioned that my yard used to be the most beautiful in the neighborhood. The people who lived in my house before me lived here for almost 48 years, and during most of that time had what amounted to a full time staff to maintain the place.
That's not an option for me, so I'll have to be satisfied with doing what I can, and learning along the way.
I'm glad you're taking it slow. Slow sounds good to me. I'll think of your advice while I'm taking it slow this summer, trying to undo the damage of two very hot, dry summers where the house sat empty and things deteriorated rapidly without the care they formerly had. I enjoy a beautiful yard, but will have to be satisfied with small progress for the next few years.
I'd love to have a veggie garden, but that's way down near the bottom of the list. Eating healthy veggies is a good choice for everyone, and when you grow your own you know for certain what you're eating. Good luck to you, and I hope your carpal tunnel doesn't slow you down too much!