I find the collinear (Eliot Coleman) and stirrup hoe most efficient for hand weeding. The collinear is most precise and the replaceable blade version is better because the blade is thinner/sharper. This is great for getting into the beds early while the plants are small and getting a jump on the weeds.
Where less precision is necessary the back and forth motion of the stirrup hoe is a nice rhythm that is easy on the back. I sharpen it with a file or belt sander pretty regularly cuz it works so much better being sharp!
Two techniques you didn't mention are using a flame weeder and my newest favorite - my Lehr propane weed whip!
The flame weeder is different in that you can use it before your seeds emerge to go right over the top of the row - timing is critical - but if you get it right, since you are not disturbing the soil and turning up new weed seeds it is effective for much longer than cultivation. The technique to get the timing right is to put a piece of window glass laid flat right over your newly planted seeds and watch it carefully... the minute you see your vegetable seeds have germinated, flame right over the top of the whole bed (row). The glass acts like a mini-greenhouse and accelerates the germination of your seeds so you can flame weed just BEFORE they will be destroyed. This works best for seeds that are NOT planted shallowly and have a longer germination time. You can also use flame weeding after your crop is emerged by directing the flame away from the plants by walking down the row and directing the flame across to the opposite side just past the plants.
The weed whip is great for recovering from weeds that have gotten out of control and are so large that pulling them out will disturb the veges. It is amazingly accurate, making sure that you are using just the very tip of the trimmer line and with a steady hand you can cut the weeds off right at the ground close to the crop. Pretty hard to describe... just try it. start out slow. Wear goggles!
Of course, I'd prefer to use the tractor and cultivator but there is ALWAYS lots of hand weeding necessary anyway.
Have Fun!