It was a brutal year for me [View all]
and from the looks of the group, we've all been through the mill.
I'm getting ready to put the garden to bed and work up some areas for winter gardening. I've got a bunch of heirloom shallots and some green onions to plant. The broccoli needs some food and straw and the strawberries need serious weeding... I got some weedy straw and it ruined a couple of beds and now I have to rework them. sigh. The artichokes are 2 years old now and I mulched them very deeply last winter, so I have great hopes for them this year. The asparagus looks great and after raspberries get the old canes cut off, it should be a good berry year in 2013. The blueberries didn't make it. I planted them with other berries and they like different soils, so back to the plant book this winter to try that again.
I hope to have my drip system completely in place by next spring. It's half in and unusable as it is. I can see the future, but getting there is a lot of work.
Well, happy gardening. May this next turn of the wheel bring great abundance and blessings.