Thoughts on growing plants and selling on Craigslist for extra money? [View all]
I'm trying to figure out how to put my green thumb and massive yard and garden to work to make a few extra bucks on the side. Since I already grow many different species of trees and shrubs from seed for fun, I was thinking of selling the excess on Craigslist. For example, I now have 100+ hybrid chestnut seedlings growing in pots in my garden that are 12-18" tall right now, but I only have room for 6-7 on my property. I'm also playing around with grafting fruit trees onto seed-grown rootstocks, so I'm going to have numerous apple, crabapple, apricot, pear, plum and cherry saplings piling up.
The thing is, the containers are free through work (discarded 1-gal containers used for bulk cheese and yogurt), the compost is free from my neighbor who runs a yard care service, and I can get the seeds and scionwood for next to nothing locally or through a few nurseries I know of. Other than my time, the cost is virtually nil.
Anyone else try this?