but found this on The Skunk Whisperer website:
If you want to rapidly feel inferior to wildlife, The Skunk Whisperer recommends attempting to eliminate these destructive critters on your own.
There are many misconceptions and wives tales about how to deal with mole problems including the belief that there exists effective, cost efficient, humane options for controlling them. However, this is not the case.
It doesn't sound promising.
Also, even if you could trap it, you would have to destroy it since no one else would be happy to see you relocate in their area (although relocations are rarely successful for the critter, who has to survive in a new territory that it doesn't know). And I agree with you about poisoning---so far, I haven't done that with any problem animals and for the same reasons as you stated as well as making my yard a potential Superfund site.
You may have to hope that natural predation takes care of it for this year and deal with it in the way you plant next year. One thing that I did read is that they "may" move on their own. Yeah, right.