Fending off cabbage moths? [View all]
I think that is what they are called, white buggers sometimes with a black mark on them landing on my plants and I think their spawn gobble up all the leaves.
Would a 3/8" mesh net work to keep them out but allow bees in?
Like this thing:
I have poultry wire around most of my cleared out growing area, huge squirrel invasion a few years ago, need to mend it here and there but otherwise I could toss a giant pond net on it to shrink those 1" holes. I have mixed crops in there because of the squirrels and I had a visiting ground hog but the neighborhood cats seem to be keeping him and the squirrels away for now.
I just don't get out to the garden enough to deal with them, checking every leaf etc.
The other thing I thought of was planting some leafy weeds outside the garden to distract them from MY plants. Read planting lavender might help keep them away as well.
The only other thing I can think of is to make a mini greenhouse to keep the plants those moths seem to love protected. I had been planning on keeping some plants in buckets cause I'm trying for more crops but don't know where I'll put them all if I have to add lettuce/broccoli and whatever else they go after.