If you See These on Your Plants. Don't Touch Them [View all]
Leah Berenson
September 6, 2024 · 3 min read
Nature is a wonder and studies have shown that being surrounded by it is good for mental health. As a result, many people enjoy gardening. It soothes the soul and yields beautiful plants or delicious crops. However, one woman panicked to find Nymphalis Antiopa eggs in her garden. Luckily, the internet had some helpful insight.
Nymphalis Antiopa are Pollinators
Nymphalis Antiopa eggs on a plant stalk.
Image Credit: Bored Daddy
Keeping pets away from the garden is a task that has daunted farmers and gardeners for ages. While some store-bought solutions are effective, insects like ladybugs and praying mantes are valuable in aiding a healthy and thriving garden. Meanwhile, insects like bees and butterflies make great pollinators. Interestingly, the Nymphalis Antiopa, also known as the mourning cloak, lays eggs that have caused some alarm among gardeners.
Nymphalis Antiopa Lay Fascinating Eggs
Nymphalis Antiopa on a tree.
Image Credit: Pixabay
The Nymphalis Antiopa lays eggs with light yellow or green geometric shapes that become darker, eventually turning black, just before the Nymphalis Antiopa hatch. Sadly, the egg clusters geometric shapes can make the leaves appear infected or have a disease.
Halloween Themed Caterpillars
A black, white, and orange caterpillar Wood in the background.
Image Credit: University of Florida
When left alone the Nymphalis Antiopa egg clusters hatch into black caterpillars with spikes and white and orange spots. However, they feed on the host plants, seemingly causing the plant harm.
Contributors to Biodiversity
Nymphalis Antiopa on a plant stalk.
Image Credit: University of Florida
In contrast, they benefit the plant by feeding on rotting fruits and enhancing the decomposition process. Moreover, the stunning butterfly aids pollination and is an important factor in the diet of other bugs like spiders. Overall, its a major contributor to local biodiversity.
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Additional article:
Mourning Cloaks - Butterflies in the Snow!