It is invasive, it spreads out of control, it is next to impossible to get rid of if you decide you don't want it, trimming is a nightmare because the leaves are so sharp and will cut the crap out of you, and varmints love to nest in them. But I thought maybe I was wrong and it wasn't that bad...and I did a search for pampas grass removal. There was a lot to be found.
But if you still want to try it, read this first:
Pain in my A$$ Pampass Grass Removal
ok so anyone her got a great method of removing these lovely sawblade grasses of Gods design?
I've chopped them in half with a chainsaw and dug them out with a shovel...dug them out then yanked them with a truck... But with both these methods I always start thinking, "there's got to be an easier way" I guess I could get a bobcat and just yank them out of the ground, but getting a bobcat on this job would just be dumb...
I got 3 BIG pampas grasses to remove... Whats the secret recipe!!
Lots of comments at the site that you should read before making the decision.