Many things could be improved upon directions being the first. Im giving Quictent a little break on some stuff this particular greenhouse is the first since the upgraded the original. But a very small break. Second, is the quality of the bolts, way too easy to round out the hole with a power tool. I had my drill turned down to the lowest torque and still rounded out a few. But its not a 1,000 dollars structure.
Were 70, retired this is our hobby and we have the time to take our time. The first house we actually bought was 15x7x6 poly tunnel by Vevor, its in the box still. Got it last fall, then watched YouTube videos on the best ways to reinforce the structure. Well, after all the extra stuff needed for that this house pops up at Amazon with most of the reinforcements included. The extra supports on top was the selling point that did it. Now weve gotta put the first one up for sale.
Research the heck outta the one you choose on YouTube. I mentioned our age only for one reason, in the comments section youll see people that have claimed to be the same age putting this together by themselves in as little as 4 hours. If I added up the time in a linear fashion Id say it took us a solid 8 hours with 2 people which you need for some steps.
They have you put certain parts together with the bolt and nut but not tightened down, then later you come around to that take the bolt out put in another part insert the bolt again through the original tubes adding an additional tube
lining up all those hole is challenging, to say it without the words actually used.
The directions give you a general idea of how to put it together but is woefully inadequate on details. But taking time and figuring it out isnt the worst thing. But it eventually all came together.