Update on my 3C vegetable and fruit garden plan [View all]
3C-Covid19, Climate Change and CWII (I don't believe there's going to be another civil war but I just threw that in there)
Been working on my next year's garden layout using the Jung Garden Planner and this is what I've come up with so far.
The main garden is divided into 10 sections.
Running west to east and starting at the north side of the garden working down to the south are:
A- 21'X4' section which is the compost
B- a 21'X4' raised row
C- a 21'X3' raised row
D- a 21'X4' raised row
E- a 21'X4' raised row
F- a 21'X3' raised row
G a 19'X4' raised row
H- a 17'X4' raised row
To the east of and running perpendicular to A,B, C, D, and E is a raised bed divided into 2 sections. The northern raised bed is 15'X4' and the southern bed is 16'X4'. Identified as I and J respectively. Continuing east of G is a 7'X4' raised bed identified as K.
The raised beds and raised rows are separated by 2' wide paths
This garden block is 27' (west to east) by 43' (north to south)
Running perpendicular to this block is a 43' row of asparagus that I planted last spring.
My plan for next year is as follows:
A will remain the compost
B will be planted with sweet corn.
C will be planted with a row of sugar snap peas on a fence trellis and to the south part of that will be planted beets and carrots using SFG. Once the peas are harvested, I'll plant cucumbers that will use the fence trellis.
D will have a fence trellis that will be planted with pole beans and to the south and running parallel with the fence will be planted a row of rutabaga.
E will be planted with Amish paste tomatoes and sweet peppers.
F will be planted with potatoes
G ill be planted with green cabbage and jalapeno pepper plants
H will be planted with Wayahead tomato plants and sweet peppers.
I, a raised bed, will be planted with shell peas. I'm hoping to plant two crops of such there.
J will be planted with strawberry plants.
K , a raised bed, contains 2 rhubarb plants.
Running parallel of and to the east of the row of asparagus is a row of raspberry plants. To the east of and running parallel to the raspberries is a row of blueberry plants. Both of which I planted earlier this year. It is my intent next spring to create 5 mounds between each row for a total of 15 mounds. 5 mounds between the asparagus and raspberries. 5 mounds between the raspberries and blueberries and 5 mounds to the east of the blueberries. In these mounds I'll plant pumpkin, winter squash and cantaloupe and 1 or 2 zucchini plants. These kind of plants would take up a lot of room in the main vegetable garden and they can spread all they want where I plan to plant them.
Running perpendicular and to the south of the asparagus, raspberry and blueberry rows is a 30' row of Honeyberry plants which I planted last spring.
To the east of all the above and running north to south are 6 berms where I plan to plant apple trees, pears trees, peach trees, apricot trees, plum trees and 1 Quince tree using BOC (backyard orchard culture) techniques.
My ultimate goal which I've been working on for the past few years is to convert the entire backyard into a vegetable and fruit garden. A garden large enough to provide the veggies and fruit for my wife and I for a year. From 1 growing season to the next.