3) Interpretation: Different DNA companies interpret the data differently and some are better at picking up smaller ethnic groups than others.
For instance as an adoptee searching for more info and bio-family I've tested at both Ancestry and 23andMe. (I've also uploaded my raw data to other testing companies). IME the ethnicity results I have on 23andMe match my (now) known ancestors (my tree on Ancestry) more closely than Ancestry does even after they've recently updated the data and they seem to go back further in time (hence 23andMe offers Neanderthal results and AncestryDNA does not). My experience with how far back they dig (aside from Neanderthal) is that my 23andMe results show that I have .5% Sub-Saharan African that doesn't show anywhere else. I thought it was cool but had read in a 23and Me forum that it was possibly 'noise' so pushed it out of my mind until my half-sister tested on 23andMe (to prove that we're sisters) and she has it as well. Anyeay, if you and your husband tested on 23andMe one of both of you might have Ashkenazi Jewish show up too or...
If you want to dig a bit deeper, you all could download your raw data and then upload it for free to GEDmatch's Genesis (I'm assuming your son tested recently on 23and Me and has the v5 chip if it's v4 reg GEDmatch works well): genesis.gedmatch.com Using the Admixture feature and, from this site's suggestions try Eurogenes and Jtest. If just you and your husband want to dig and tested at AncestryDNA I suggest regular GEDmatch.com since it has more tools available ATM.
When I first got my results back from various companies I was confused by the differences in ethnic percentages so did some hunting, found this article to be very helpful and highly recommend people read it if they've tested or are thinking about testing.
I hope I'm clear enough. I woke up, couldn't go back to sleep so popped in DU for a bit sans coffee. Lol