Weight Loss/Maintenance
In reply to the discussion: Why can't I lose weight? [View all]MyMission
(2,000 posts)I've had hashimoto's, an auto immune thyroid condition for over 20 years, and I have thyroid antibodies. I have healthy diet and have been on medication for the condition since I was diagnosed. Everything few years I need to have my meds increased.
I've had some MDS tell me my thyroid levels were in the normal range when they were actually high. Most endocrinologists will want tsh below 3.0, whereas regular md's might consider below 5.5 as within normal limits, while some consider below 4.0 normal. And many won't treat a thyroid condition until levels are well above that.
For many years my tsh levels were 5.48 so they were below 5.5 and my md said I was within normal range. This was when I had started to gain weight and I was not able to lose the weight, no matter what I did. I put on over 30 lbs over a 10 year period. That md would not increase my thyroid meds.
So I got a new md who increased my synthroid (thyroid replacement medication) and I started to lose weight. I personally feel best when my levels are below 2.0. With hashimotos, sometimes your levels fluctuate if the antibodies are more or less active.
When MDS tell you that you are within normal range (of anything) it's always a good idea to get the actual report and look at the numbers, and do some research. If your tsh levels are above 3, and you have antibodies you may want to see an endocrinologist if your doctor won't treat you, of find a new MD who will
Good luck.