That involved active Physical fitness, knowing how to eat, what to eat to get the most benefit from better choices, behavioral changes, etc. Having control over foods that controlled you is key to losing excess fat and keeping it off.
I have been a member of Weight Watchers for 45 years now. Over those years I have been up and down. Medications did have an effect on me over those years due to an Eye Disease I have had for 36 years now. But much of it was due to a lack of Self discipline and purpose.
Since losing my Mother in January of 2013, I went through a Mourning period. I ate for comfort and was putting on pounds, creeping up to 208 for my 5'5 1/2" frame. I took a 360 degree look in the mirror in just my underwear and said. "Yuck! I need to get my ass back to Weight Watchers and re-earn my Lifetime member benefits." I did that days after turning 61. For the past 337 weeks, I have been keeping Daily track of what I eat, etc. It took me 13 months to lose 53 pounds. Since 2014, I have kept within 5 pounds of my goal. I did inch up over the past Winter, however.
Since March of this year, I had to basically eliminate all Wheat, Corn, Soy products from my eating plan due to I am unable to digest them properly. I am sensitive to Glutens, Sugars, Soy, even Lactose Intolerant. I love Potatoes, but they do not like me as they ferment in my gut. Same with Dairy products. I get such a painful gut ache that last days. Combined within my daily Weight Watcher points, I eat quality Lean Protein(Chicken, Fish, Lean Beef and Pork, Turkey, Lamb). Plenty of fresh, low Glycemic Vegetables and Fruits, Brown Rice, Brown Rice Pastas, Healthy fats like Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Avocados. I consume between 1400 to 1600 quality calories a day, am not hungry, nor do I have Sugar cravings. I feel much better and have more emergy.
By keeping Daily track, I am able to keep my weight in the 147 to 150 range. 155 is my WW Goal. I have lost close to 60 pounds. I eat out a lot, but make wise choices as to what I am able to eat. Over the years, I have been on 5 long road trips, 2 International Trips that also included a 3 week Cruise, and still lost weight. I also walk 20 to 25 miles per week ad work out. I am in better shape now at 67 than I was at 61. My Doctor could not be more pleased.
If one is going to count calories, make sure those are quality calories that will keep you filled up between meals, fuel the body to burn excess fat as energy, and not obssess on what you can't have, but design a lifestyle around what you CAN have.