I did OK at maintaining my weight when I was working on the farm but then I was burning a LOT of calories everyday by shoveling stalls, moving hay, working horses, and more. I was overweight but not obese - but I had always been overweight.
In 1993 I blew out my left shoulder - a colt snatched the arm and destroyed the rotator cuff - was not able to do my work for a year and gained a lot. I worked hard at the PT afterwards and got back in shape but could not lose the weight.
Beginning in 2001 that cycle happened over and over - 2001 left knee medial meniscus; 2002 hysterectomy; 2007 right knee medial meniscus; 2009 right shoulder clean up; 2012 both knees total replacement (one at a time), right arm carpal tunnel and radial nerve relocation; 2013 left arm carpal tunnel, radial nerve relocation, and arthroplasty on the thumb; 2017 aortic valve replacement and left kidney removed (and they threw in umbilical hernia repair). Each time I gained weight, did the PT, and tried to lose the weight over again.
My weight crept up and up, especially between 2012 and 2017 when my heart wasn't working properly and I simply had not endurance. In addition, my father died in 2013 and my mother in law was ill all of 2016 and died in January 2017, so my husband and I spent a lot of time dealing with those deaths and the afermaths. Now my mother has died and we have to do that over again.
I do like the control that MyFitnessPal.com gives me - see my comments about it to Kali. So far I see no reason to move to the paid version since the free one is working for me. Someone here on DU first brought it to my attention and I thank them, whoever they were!
Good luck - it's hard but hopefully doable. I am halfway to my goal so I'm pleased.