I like that MyFitnessPal is FREE. I make my choices and can see the basic nutrition in each food. If I paid for it, I could track more nutritional factors, but the free version is working for me.
Precision Nutrition does not say clearly on their site (until you sign up for their "presale" list, maybe?) how much it costs. In a review it says $1800 USD (around $5 USD per day) (https://www.sparkpeople.com/myspark/team_messageboard_thread.asp?board=0x13151x66132842) That's more than my husband and I average per DAY for food at home! The review I linked is not all that flattering about the program, either.
The gym I go to have a wide range of people attending - from very fit young people to obese olders. I've been very encouraged by the attitudes there - no sidewise glances at an old obese lady, even by the young muscle bound men. Everybody seems happy that we all are working to improve our bodies. I know that is not the norm in gyms, but this one is associated with the local hospital and has some rehab programs for those recovering from operations.
My hardest part is that with every operation I put on weight during the time before or after when I could not exercise. I was never as thin as my "target weight" as an adult, but I was fit until I blew out the first knee in 2001. Since then every few years I have had an operation, followed by a period of inactivity, short periods of physical therapy, then attempts to get back to fitness.
After I got my knees replaced in 2012, I couldn't exercise because I couldn't breathe - but it took four years to find my heart murmur and a year to get the aortic valve replaced. I was dedicated to get back in shape, now the damned back shows up. Now I am dedicated to losing the weight and keeping it OFF.
One good thing - usually I wold gain weight while inactive but level off. I think if I can lose weight at a reasonable rate, I can level off at the lower weight. However it works I plan to keep using MyFitnessPal to track what I am eating.