Do some parents give their children sweets just to make them smile? [View all]
I'm asking this for a very specific reason. I tried several searches to see if their was any discussion on how sweets and desserts are used as forms of affection and to basically make loved ones happy. My fiance used to be considerably overweight. She taken many steps to improve her health and reduce her weight and I am amazed at what she has accomplished. I support her efforts to stay fit both by exercising with her and helping to make healthy meals and keep her encouraged. She just completed graduate school and during that time she was living in her parents home to help her with her son and to save on expenses while she studied.
During my visits I noticed that both her mother and father would frequently bring home sweets and desserts after work and from their routine trips to the grocery store. My fiance admitted having a sever weakness to sweets and sugar and that it bothered her that they continued to bring these foods home. My fiance has the most amazing smile and it is nearly impossible not to be lifted by it. I can be in the worst of moods and her smile brings me right up.
I have noticed that the occasional treat makes her happy and elicits a beaming smile that brightens the room. I began to wonder if perhaps her parents did this, perhaps unconsciously just to make her happy, to make her smile. I recall how her mom had commented on a childhood photo of my fiance on Facebook that she had the prettiest smile and how it made her happy to see it. I don't want to end up doing the same thing to her either.