Why I had an abortion after 20 weeks [View all]
Good article in WAPO. It disgusts me that republicans and even some democrats would force women in this situation to carry to term. The money quote: "I had a choice."
In our babys brain cavity, where gray matter should have been visible, there was only black. The diagnosis was the same from every doctor: Something we would learn it was not genetic or chromosomal had caused two leaks in our babys brain, one on each side, destroying it almost entirely.
We would have done anything to save the baby. We asked if there was any possibility for repair, if the brain tissue could regrow. There wasnt. My baby would either die in the womb or shortly after birth.
I had a choice. I could try to live with the husk of a child inside of me for more than 100 days, swallowing tears at every cheery inquiry as I grew bigger. Or I could have an abortion. And the choice wasnt just about me. I have young children who would have had to see their mother endure this torture and give birth to someone they would never meet. So we made the painful, but I believe merciful, decision to terminate.