feel like salt in the wound. It is heartbreaking what happened to those children and I can't help but feel horrible for the terror the other children must have felt. The adults didn't look like they made it through without being terrorized either. It was a horrific thing that happened and all those innocent children are gone now, forever.
Suffering from mental illness, in my case at least, is hard enough. Add to that this kind of sad, horrific event that is hard to cope with, then having the salt in the wounds of being compared to such horrific acts, it takes its toll. I have decided to ignore a lot of unreasonable people on DU and concentrate on wishing for healing for the families of the victims who were murdered and wishing for relief and healing for those who survived but had to witness it and live through the horror of it all. They will have a hard time in the years to come. I can't help but think about how hard it is going to be for them too.
I am surprised there are no virtual candlelight vigils for the families of the victims and for the victims themselves on DU. There are virtual candle websites online that offer virtual candles for free. I just see so much anger and misplaced aggression on DU and even on FB right now. The act of killing those children (and the adults who were killed too) is still resonating pain and grief and negativity.
As hard as it is to cope with all of this for us, I can only imagine what it must be like for the families of the victims who were taken from them and the victims who lived through it but are traumatized still. I wish there was a way to send out positivity (positive vibes, I mean) into the world to try to counteract some of the horror.
The thing that has helped me cope with the way I have been feeling was the press conference that the father of the little girl who was a victim, named Emilie, said. He was magnanimous in his forgiveness, yet said his daughter didn't get her amazing empathy from him. I think she did. His press conference was very positive and healing. I was really impressed by his empathy for the shooter's family. That takes an amazing person to be able to forgive that soon and that honestly like he did. That helped me not totally lose faith in humanity, although I have to say it is a fragile faith in some of humanity, not all of it.
On edit: His name is Robert Parker and his daughter's name is spelled Emilie. A video of the press conference is on CNN right now.