Hello and nice to meet you
First, let me tell you about my "own best thinking" and how I handled anxiety for 30 years. I'm 53 years old now. I had bad anxiety growing up and as a young adult. I found THC at the age of 18 and really liked how it made me feel. I could "zone out" of anxiety with THC, and I did so.
Later, in my twenties, I was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder and Major Depression. I was Rx'ed Xanax and various anti-depressants, and this combination worked pretty well for me. I was still an anxious and depressed person, but I was able to function and hold down a job. I was also stoned on THC most of the time.
I would journal, exercise, eat right, and do art therapy when I was doing good and this all helped me with my anxiety and depression. I was still very anxious and depressed, but I escaped these feelings most of the time with THC.
I became a foster parent about ten years ago and needed to give up THC and checking out to be a better parent.
Foster parenting and the trauma that the children brought into our lives changed me and almost destroyed our marriage. In 2018 I started in earnest attending marriage counseling, therapy, and Celebrate Recovery.
I turned my life over to Jesus at around the same time that I was diagnosed with BP2. I started taking Vrylar (a mood stabilizer, I was told) along with Prozac.
A short time thereafter, as I was working the 12-step program in celebrate recovery, I prayed that my THC addiction would be lifted from me. It wasn't. However, my depression and anxiety were lifted from me, almost like a true gift from God. I had surrendered my will over to Him, and He, in turn, had essentially cured my depression and anxiety.
I still struggle with anger, lust, laziness, addiction, and gluttony. I am working on my walk with Jesus. By turning my will over to Jesus, by working the celebrate recovery 12-step program, and by taking my BP2 meds I have effectively been able to "cure", for lack of a better word, my anxiety and depression.
I find journaling (I write letters to my sister because she likes to receive mail) and walking (meditational walking) are great tools when I feel down or anxious. Eating right and exercising and getting plenty of sleep also help a great deal.
I credit turning my life over to Jesus and working my recovery as my "cure" for my anxiety and depression. Taking the right meds, and living a healthier life were part of this surrender.
Lastly, I pray that you find relief from your condition XanaDUer2. I am sorry if my life story of surrendering to Christ doesn't help you in some way. I realize that it isn't the answer many people want to hear, and I accept that. That's how I did it. I pray that you find what you are looking for as well.
Thanks in advance for reading this.