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Exercise is my one main "hobby". I do it for better health (BP normal, cholesterol normal, blood sugar normal, weight normal, etcetera), better aging (54), it is a mental health thing (proven fact), and for the obvious slightly narcissistic reasons (I think it is sad that more people do not admit that).
If you walk, row, run, jog, pilate, yoga, bodybuild, stretch, breath in and out, you probably have something to contribute to help others stay healthy.
We all have probably had times when we think have done great and other times maybe not so great.
One thing that I, even as a 95% vegetarian and 10% fishy (shrimp and oysters) daily exercising person screwed up, is fiber in the diet. Specifically I don't think I was getting nearly enough up until the last year.
Also simple low to moderate cardio on top of weights of at least 30 minutes a day.
That (fiber and 30 minutes a day) alone caused a almost 10lb fat loss over 6 months. Mind you I have never really "let myself go" but little tweaks have made a huge difference especially while getting older. It is all relative though. Everyone has something that they have done or want to do or cannot do.
Things like that.