My kyphoplasty has been pushed up [View all]
to late January or early February. This is at my request, because I am taking a steroid and an antibiotic for a while. Whether the doctors like it or not, whether they can find it or not, I think there is a residual infection post-covid. At times, my shortness of breath is so bad I can barely breathe. I can't walk from the kitchen to the living room without panting.
They don't like it when I change things. But I know, whether they are willing to accept it or not, that I sometimes get conflicting information from these doctors. I would have had this procedure long ago if I had not been getting conflicting information. I am sure they did not tell me that I could get the kyphoplasty through the pain clinic. I thought that was for drugs and physical therapy. I rejected the help of the pain clinic, because I thought it was treating symptoms and not causes.
I have an MRI Monday. But we will do things my way, on my schedule, as much as possible. I have too many doctors. If they cannot coordinate with me, I cannot help that. We will get things done, one way or another.