I have one probably caused by scar tissue from a surgery years ago. It's about 3 inches long and is right at the connection between small and large intestine. I didn't know it was there until 2 years ago when it put me in the hospital on Christmas. (There's a clue there.)
Once I saw it on the scope and realized that it is like a bottleneck but not a roadblock I realized that I can be careful with it and avoid misery and more hospitalization. That's really important since I no longer have insurance. Since then I eat smaller meals and I have become a little compulsive about chewing. I've known for a long time - since I was diagnosed back in 1980 - that fiber is not my friend. I love veggies but I do have to watch it so that I don't end up paying a price. I suggest that at least temporarily you try a lower carbohydrate diet, adding as many good vegetables as your system will allow gradually. The carbohydrates - especially veggies, fruit and whole grains (all the good stuff!) can be hard on Crohn's even though they are doubtless very good foods. I find that when I concentrate on lower fiber nutrients like protein and cooked vegetables my system calms down and works better. Oddly, potatoes are a real trigger food for me and will cause cramping and problems.
You can even put yourself on a kind of resting diet until things calm down and your system clears out a bit. Broth and such can be nutritious and you should supplement with vitamins (in my opinion but I'm no doctor). because you won't be taking in as many goodies from what you eat. You could even try some of the nutritional supplement liquids if the sugar in there doesn't cause you problems until your system clears out and rests a bit.
Hope you feel better soon! I sure know how bad it can be.