I also eat a lot more raw fruits/veggies. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 mCRC that was operable. I'm 9 mos. out from ending chemo and 1 yr., 5 mos. out from the operation. So far, so good---no recurrence.
I learned to love nut milk, sauces and soup made w/out cream or half n half, coffee w/out cream, etc. I still crave the usual things like baked goods but I cook and bake almost everything myself and that way I can control what dairy and sweets I do allow myself. It takes willpower but I had a pretty good diet before diagnosis so the changes weren't that hard. LOL, one of my friends was marveling that I like dandelion detox tea and I said, "It's better than chemo!"
I had high cholesterol pre-cancer and now it's in the normal range so I also did something good for my heart/artheriosclerosis.
If you don't like broccolli, you can get the same benefits with my delicious cole slaw (brocolli, cabbaage, cauliflower, kale, collards and brussel sprouts are all in the same cruciferous veg family). Shred the raw cabbage with carrots (add beets, onions, fruit or whatever else you like) and put in oil, lemon and a little maple syrup for the dressing. I use olive oil. Add a little mayo if you want.
It should all be organic. The FDA, Dept. of Ag and EPA are NOT protecting us from agrotoxins and there are 11,000 ag chemicals that are manufactured/distributed that are either untested or under-tested. This from NRDC, confirmed by EPA. Is it any wonder that 1 in 3 people have, had or will have cancer in their lifetime in this country?