I researched as far as my own cancer is concerned, which is colon metastasized to liver. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a type of hemp oil that has been shown effective to suppress metastasis in animal studies. CBD was also featured in the recent CNN "Weed Part 2" with Sanjay Gupta, proving it's effective in controlling epilepsy. As far as human trials of CBD, I couldn't find any for my cancer type.
My cancer was (fortunately) resectable and I feel great following surgery 7 wks. out. However, all my docs (including those who saved my life with a very successful major surgery) have told me I must do chemo to kill any circulating cancer cells that are in my lymph system/bloodstream. Of course, feeling great, I was skeptical and I am now on a cancer prevention diet based on several books I've read, info on the net, cancer survivors I know, etc. But this diet won't stop metastasis once the nasty cells are circulating in my system, I'm convinced (after 7 wks of research). With previous metastasis, I've got to assume these cells are still around, ready to do their dirty work and form into a mass or masses in my liver, lungs or colon. So I'm starting chemo soon + continuing the prevention diet.
I would love to get CBD based on what I've read about its promise in stopping metastasis, but I cannot get CBD from my doc b/c I'm not in a state where docs prescribe it (yet). There are companies selling "CBD" online but the last website I checked out asked for my Soc. Sec. no. I'm not giving that out to a private company I know very little about, and I have no idea whether their "CBD" is the real deal. So unless you're living in CO or some other state where docs prescribe CBD, you will be buying ????? Maybe you'll get lucky but there is really no way to know if the "CBD" you buy is the real thing unless it's prescribed by a doc in a med mj state that handles it just like other meds.
Your family member and/or others in the family need to do a lot of research on this, and also on radiation. I feel like I've had a crash course in colon cancer and treatments over the past 2 mos, myself.